Info Summer break: IDEAL week 32 and 33 | AKE week 30 and 31

Information on the entry into force of the Ecodesign Directive

With this information letter we would like to inform you in advance of the EU Directives and Regulations which are currently being implemented and will influence the legal situation with effect from 1st March 2021.
Energielabel Ökodesign Richtlinie

These are the Regulation on the environmentally friendly design (EU) 2015/1095; the Delegated Regulations on the energy labelling (EU) 2015/1094, (EU) 2019/2016 and (EU) 2019/2018; and the Regulation (EU) 2019/2019 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2018 on the ecodesign of professional refrigerated storage cabinets and refrigerating appliances. The framework for the labelling and for the provision of consistent information for these products of relevance to energy consumption is laid down in Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 (

The aim of the EU Regulations on ecodesign and energy labelling is to improve the energy efficiency of appliances and thus contribute to achieving climate neutrality in the EU. These Regulations and Directives in-volve general duties of the supplier and retailers in terms of documenting and labelling appliances that can be assigned to the following product groups and are not subject to any of the exceptions stated in the Regulations:

  • professional refrigerated storage cabinets that are electrically operated
  • refrigerating appliances used as temperature-controlled wine cabinets
  • refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function which meet the framework conditions of the applicable test standard
  • EN-ISO 23953-2 in respect of climate classes and temperature classes.


The Commission also provides the EU product database EPREL (European Product Registry for Energy Label-ling). All products of relevance to energy consumption which bear an energy label are registered in this data-base, which is accessible via the European internet portal (

This non-public conformity element is intended for suppliers (importers, manufacturers, authorised representa-tives), market surveillance authorities and the EU Commission, and is only accessible after the respective user has registered ( This EPREL product database thus serves from time to time for the provision of information about IDEAL AKE products that have been placed on the market, as well as their energy labels and product data sheets.

At IDEAL AKE we measure all the relevant product parameters by means of reliable, precise and reproducible methods. These methods take account of the recognised state of the art of measurement technology and comply with the harmonised standards in force, in particular the standards EN 16901, EN 16902, EN ISO 23953 and EN ISO 22041. The calculations of all of the relevant performance characteristics take place in ac-cordance with the Annexes to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2019 for refrigerating appliances, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/1094 for professional refrigerated storage cabinets and Regulation (EU) 2019/2024 for refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function.

Furthermore we would like to draw your attention to the fact that on the basis of the F-Gas Regulation (EU) 517/2014, from January 2022 new restrictions apply for the marketing of refrigerating appliances using R134a as a refrigerant. We are therefore already working very intensively on revising our product range technologically to move to environmentally sound refrigerants, and today we can already offer you a variety of products using the natural refrigerant propane. We also assume that during this year the availability of R290-approved compo-nents for the construction of refrigeration units will rapidly increase, and we will thus be able to design further products from our range to be suitable for R290.

We regard the topics of the climate and the environment as an important task, so we are assuming a clear re-sponsibility and making major contributions to creating and maintaining an ecologically valuable environment. Through intelligent refrigeration and heating appliances, in future we will enable our customers to monitor their appliance network so that they are able to structure their operating, servicing and maintenance tasks to be even more resource-conserving and efficient. We are also working intensively on alternative technologies and refrigerants which characteristically exhibit the lowest GWP (global warming potential).

Over the decades we have continuously expanded our product range and always adapted it to the current market needs. To continue to fulfil this dynamic, this year we are moving away from the printed catalogues that have accompanied us for such a long time. Instead, from March our new product database will be available as an online catalogue. This digital presentation will provide all the necessary information and documents for the particular appliances on an up-to-the-minute basis in one place. Various filter and search functions will make the database simple to use from the very beginning, and these will be continuously further developed to offer the best possible catalogue experience. At the same time we will be improving our printed sales documents so that when advising customers we do not have to resort only to digital media.

This means that our printed catalogue will no longer be updated. Naturally, even after our online product pre-sentation appears, the print catalogue will still represent an important reference work for our customers. In this context we would like to point out that the latest details of our product range will always be found in the online catalogue.

The documents which in accordance with the aforementioned Regulations and Directives are necessary for marketing our products affected by these will also be made available in our new online catalogue. When you log in (which is already familiar from our current website) you will be granted access to further product-specific information and files. Products on the website will then refer to the catalogue, and you will also be able to select the catalogue directly from the menu.

We expect that the implementation of the Ecodesign Directive and the use of our online catalogue will throw up further questions and influence our joint project handling at some points. Our team at IDEAL AKE are available for you in the usual way, and are looking forward to a continued successful and friendly working relationship.

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