Info Summer break: IDEAL week 32 and 33 | AKE week 30 and 31

CO2: Environmentally-friendly remote refrigeration

When you think of CO2, do you already think of environmentally-friendly refrigerants for remotely cooled units?
Caleo Insel zentralgekühlt zum präsentieren von frischen Produkten

Carbon dioxide, used as a natural refrigerant, greatly reduces the energy consumption of refrigeration units. Especially in comparison with synthetic refrigerants, these savings become clear. In addition, the environmental impact is sustainably reduced.

Our centrally cooled solutions currently impress not only with short delivery times, but also the design possibilities in special construction are increased due to the smaller space requirements.

So don’t worry if your customer is thinking about CO2 – we are ready and happy to lay out the technology together with you.

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